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Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials

There are tons of unique ways of arranging and designing type you can find on Search Engine. But sometimes, you may find it difficult to look for some of the highest quality photoshop tutorials using search engines. As most of time, almost all tutorials would label themselves to be good, high quality or even the best photoshop tutorial you can find. When searching through all these tutorials, your time is wasted.

In order to save your time, here I'll give you list of Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials.

1. Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop
Cool looking grass-text effect using a photo of grass, the pen tool and a bit of patience.

2. Elegant Glossy Gold Text Effect
This tutorial will show you an easy way to create a luxurious super glossy golden text effect using Layer Styles, a Filter, and a simple brush.

3. Moon Shine Text Effect
This Text Effect Quickie will show you how to easily create a soft glowing moon-like text.

4. Smooth Glass Type
Here's a quick way to create some nice looking translucent glass type that'll work great on any background, made completely with layer styles.

5. Reflective Liquid Type
Tutorials on creating metal type abound online, as do variations on simple liquid effects.

6. Papercraft Text Effect
Tutorial on creating papercraft text effect. 

7. Simple Bokeh Text Effect
This tutorial will show you a super easy way to create a dazzling beautiful bokeh text effect, using a simple brush and a layer effect. 

8. Retro Folded Typography
In this Photoshop tutorial, we�re going to create retro-looking text that seems like it�s constructed using folded strips of paper.

9. Using Light and Shade to Bring Text to Life
In this tutorial we are going to take some very basic principles of light and shade to make a rather impressive-looking text effect.

10. Wood Inlay Text
How to create a wood inlay effect using wood textures, layer masks and a few creative selection techniques.

11. Create a Candy Flavored Text
In this quick tip tutorial we will explain how to create a candy cane-style text effect in Photoshop.

12. Simple Styled Text with Stars Effect
This Photoshop tutorial will show a simple way to create a nice text effect using Layer Styles, then modify some brush settings to add stars to the background.

13. Hipster Text Effect
In this tutorial will show you how to create a simple text effect with a very trendy hipster look. We will use just basic filters and layer styles to achieve the effect.

Thanks for visit and hopefully it usefull.

Best Photoshop Text Effects Tutorials for Typography

Tutorial Photoshop Terbaik

Illustrator Design Inspiration - Nigel Buchanan

The illustrator inspiration now, we will see the works of an illustrator from Australia, namely Nigel Buchanan. Nigel Buchanan is an illustrator who lives in Sidney, Australia. He is an illustrator who works in a big old building with a group of other illustrator.
Some Clients of illustrator living in the largest city in the state of New South Wales is Newsweek, Pentagram, The Wall Street Journal, MTV, The New York Times, TIME Magazine, Money Week, Paris and The Radio Times of London. This man had won the silver medal of the Society is based in New York Illustrator.
Sergio Aguero

Diego Costa

Mario Balotelli

Andre Pirlo

Manuel Pellegrini

Zebra and Lion


Tichy Ice Cream

The Capten and the Penguin

Barack Obama

That's our design inspiration at this time. Hopefully the works of Nigel Buchanan would have provided the inspiration for our design.

Nigel Buchanan
Webiste : www.nigelbuchanan.com
Behance : NigelBuchanan
Facebook : Nigel Buchanan

CorelDraw Design Desain Inspirasi Inspiration Grafik Graphic Illustrator

CorelDraw Tutorial - How to Make Balloon

Di dalam tutorial ini kita akan belajar membuat balon vector di coreldraw. Kita akan membuat balon vector ini menggunakan mesh fill tool (M). Mesh fill tool akan memudahkan kita untuk meberi warna campuran dengan gradasi yang tidak beraturan. Baiklah bagi yang belum tahu fungsi mesh fill tool di coreldraw, semoga tutorial ini dapat membatu anda memahami cara memakai mesh fill tool tersebut.
Berikut adalah hasil akhir tutorial kita.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Aplikasi: CorelDraw X6
Waktu : 30 Menit
Tingkat Kesulitan : Menengah

Berikut adalah tutorial membuat balon vector di coreldraw menggunakan fungsi mesh fill tool

Langkah 1
Buat file baru di coreldraw, kemudian Aktifkan Ellipse tool (F7), Kemudian buat lingkaran, convert lingkaran tersebut menjadi curves ubah bentuk sahpe tersebut terlihat lonjong seperti bentuk balon.
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Aktifkan Mesh fill tool (M), Buat jaring tabel mesh fill kekanan 5 dan kebawah 5. Bentuk mesh fill sesuai dengan bentuk pola balon tersebut

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Langkah 2
Untuk memberikan warna pada objek, kita pilih salah satu lubang jaring kmudian kilk warna yang kita inginkan. Karena disini kita membuat balon berwarna magenta maka kita akan menggunakan warna-warna dominan magenta.
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Untuk setiap sisi lubang kita gunakan warna magenta tua, magenta dan warna magenta muda.
Warna magenta tua kita buat dibawah balon atau bagian gelap gambar sedangkan warna magenta muda kita tempatkan di sisi atas balon, untuk bagian pencahayaan.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Langkah 3
Aktifkan kembali Ellipse tool, dan buat lingkaran untuk diletakkan diatas shape balon yang pertama.
Disini kita masih menggunakan mesh fill tool untuk memberikan warna pada shape ini.
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Dan untuk sementara inilah hasil yang kita dapatkan.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Kembali buat lingkaran beri warna dengan mesh fill tool, untuk lingkaran yang satu ini kita gunakan transparency tool. posisikan sebelah kanan balon.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Langkah 4
Buat lingkaran lonjong kemudian bentuk melengkung. lihat gambar dibawah ini.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Beri Transparency dengan mode linier seperti gambar dibawah.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Sama seperti diatas buat lagi shape dengan ditambahkan transparency mode uniform.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Langkah 5
Selanjutnya kita buat lingkaran kecil yang masih menggunakan mesh fill tool untuk mewarnainya.
Posisikan lingkaran tersebut dibawah linkgaran lonjong yang pertama.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Buat object dengan warna magenta muda kemudian pilih menu bitmaps-convert to bitmap.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Klik menu bitmaps-Blur-Gaussian blur. Sehingga akan membuat bitmaps tadi terlihat seperti sebuah pantulan cahaya.
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Langkah 6
Selanjut kita buat dua object lagi yaitu.bagian ikatan balon dan bagian bawah balon.
Kita masih menggunakan mesh fill tool untuk pewarnaan kedua object ini.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Kemudian tambahkan shape untuk bayangan yang gelap pada shape bagian bawah. sama seperti kita membuat pencahayaan kita juga melakukan hal tersebut. Convert to bitmap-kemudian gunakan fungsi blur untuk merapikannya.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Setelah bagian gelap, kita beri bagian untuk cahaya nya. seperti gambar dibawah ini.
tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Dan berikut adalah balon vector yang telah kita buat.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Untuk warna balon yang lain kita hanya menukar warna yang dominan, jika pada tutorial ini kita menggunakan warna magenta maka balon kedua menggunakan warna biru, ketiga menggunakan warna dominan kuning, atau mungkin kita bisa mencoba membuat warna balon lainnya, misalkan hijau atau warna merah.
Berikut adalah balon dengan warna magenta, biru dan kuning.

tutorial coreldraw,vector coreldraw,balon coreldraw

Demikianlah tutorial membuat balon vector di coreldraw, semoga tutorial ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua, semoga kita bisa lebih menghasilkan karya-karya yang lebih keren lagi.
Terima kasih atas kunjungannya.

Source desainsekarang.blogspot.com

Best Cinema 4D Free Tutorial Sites

There'n many tutorial you can get on internet. Of course you can easily find it on google. Or maybe just search it on Youtube or Vimeo. Then you will find tons of tutorial there. But now, I'll make it easy for you to find them.
Here best sites for Cinema 4D tutorials that I know and I use for training :


The owner of this site is Nick with his team: Chris Schmidt, Danny Schmidt, Dave Kiss, and Jacqueline Mueller.
This site has been growing with over Two Hundred Cinema 4D tutorials over the last five years. Check out the collection of growing tutorials about motion graphics and lighting or watch some of the large tutorials where Nick and friend show how to go from Cinema 4D to After Effects.


Speaking of Tim, his site HelloLuxx has been pivitol in my understanding of Cinema 4D over the years. His site is one of the only �Designer Based� Cinema 4D sites out there. If you need Cinema 4D training for broadcast graphics work, this is your place. No spinning 3D monsters here.
Here you�ll find a compilation of free Cinema 4D tutorials (plus some After Effects too) from the blog. If you are looking for a deeper learning experience, you can check out the training collection - a selection of Cinema 4D Training and Houdini, expert classes, from some of the best professionals out there. There are currently over 50 free tutorials in that section, affectionately known as Tim�s Tips. The free tutorial section is constantly expanding so check back in regularly.


Here you can find various of Cinema 4D and After Effects tutorials for visual effects. Also there you can get Cinema 4D templates and some of free 3D model.


This is Cinema 4D Tutorial and Resources site. You can find reference videos, tips, project tutorials, presets and plugins for Cinema 4D here. For the free account, you can get hundreds of tutorials, browse and search the forum, and view shared playlists.

Best Cinema 4D C4D Free Tutorial Training Sites

Situs terbaik gratis Cinema 4D